Relocating – The Real Issues That Movers Face
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Relocating – The Real Issues That Movers Face

Buying, selling, renting and relocating – I've done it all many times over. Because I had one of those careers which meant I had to move every few years, I've lived in nearly every state in Australia more than once. Now retired and settled down, I blog about real estate and the real issues that anyone who is moving comes up against. Full of advice, my blog takes a look at relocating from the point of view of the mover and tries to offer as many insights from my past experiences dealing with lawyers, estate agents, removals firms and other house buyers as possible! Read on if you're moving or thinking about doing so.


Relocating – The Real Issues That Movers Face

  • Buying Your First House? The Ultimate Guide to Owning Your First Home

    11 October 2018

    Many people often have a hard time buying their first home. There are many houses available on the market; thus, they have a hard time choosing the right home. Below is a guide on how to own your first home. Decide what you want Some first-time buyers buy houses on impulse. After some time, they realise that they bought the wrong house. Before going out to see what is available on the market, decide what kind of home you want.

  • Bigger Isn't Always Better: Staging a small home to attract potential buyers

    3 October 2018

    Most buyers often look for the largest home they can find at the most affordable cost. But is bigger always better? Not necessarily. A smaller home may be more comfortable, welcoming and stylish than a larger one. However, it's up to you to emphasize those hidden benefits to buyers. When staging a small home for sale, there are certain tips you can use to make the space feel bigger and worth the money.

  • Staging Your House: Tips on How to Make Your Home an Attractive Buy

    28 September 2018

    Are you a homeowner? Do you want to put your house up for sale? There are lots of things you will have to do to prepare the property for a successful sale. This includes staging it well. Opening your home to potential buyers for scrutiny can be a bit disheartening because strangers will be poking around and forming opinions about the place you still call home. So, it's important to put up a good show.

  • Easy ways to get the right tenants

    26 September 2018

    Putting up a property of whatever nature takes time and money. You sacrifice some luxuries here and there to get that kind of investment. Venturing in real estate is an excellent way to earn passive or regular income depending on the nature of the investment. Once you complete the house, you look at it with pride and gratification. You have finally achieved your dreams and money should start flowing.  For the rental houses kind of investment, it is not automatic to get the tenants.

  • Winter Hibernation Is Over - Is Your Property Ready To Sell In Spring?

    8 September 2018

    Nobody likes leaving the house during winter. Who wants to battle the cold outside when you can rug up and hang out inside. However, now that spring is here in Australia, the temperature is warming, the birds are singing, and new life is appearing in the garden. As someone who wants to sell their house and get settled into a new home before Christmas, now is the perfect time to put your property on the market.